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Project Manager

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What they do:

Professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in the evaluation, development, and management of IT projects. We specialize in agile methodologies, which we help adopt and then tailor to our client’s strategy and team. Therefore, our collaborators have certifications to provide greater confidence when applying their knowledge.


  1. Ensure that the entire team understands and supports the implemented process, as well as the principles of agility.
  2. Generate and apply proposals for improvements in task assignment and development processes.
  3. Identify and act on team conflicts.
  4. Coordinate between interested parties to resolve impediments and meet team commitments.
  5. Help stakeholders understand the process and transparently communicate its status and projections.
  6. Foster and protect the self-organization of the development team.
  7. Gather metrics with stakeholders, as well as create and distribute reports on these metrics.